Thursday, January 7, 2010

Circumcision Is A Weird Blog Topic

Earlier in the week I wrote about being "impotent" in the sense that we have no ability to produce life outside of the Spirit of God. Flesh cannot produce anything except flesh; only the Spirit can produce spirit. God alone is the source of real and lasting change that brings life, as seen in the life of Abraham.

But that is only half the story.

As the story of Abraham continues, Chapter 17 of Genesis says that God changed Abraham's name. His name used to be Abram (which means exalted father). From now on, God says, call yourself Abraham (father of many nations/multitudes). This is a guy who's spent years (24 to be exact) waiting on the promise of children. And, as if to add insult to injury, now he's supposed to identify himself as "father of many nations!" Imagine being reminded of your worst disappointment, biggest unfulfilled dream, or longest lingering failure every time you say your own name. Yet, God insisted that Abraham identify himself with His promise rather than his current condition or circumstances. "Call yourself Abraham."

Also striking is the way God chose to confirm or mark this covenant promise...circumcision. I will not elaborate a great deal on this, but I'm guessing it was not very popular with Abraham. More to the point, God chose the very source of Abraham's failure and disappointment as the place to mark His promise. As Abraham and every descendant for generations to come reproduced they would forever be reminded that God brought forth a nation from a man and woman who could not have children. Do not be surprised if God chooses to mark you at the very source of your failure or disappointment.

In our own strength we are impotent and powerless to produce life and change. However, as believers, we DO have the life-giving Holy Spirit dwelling within us. It is the very same Spirit and power that raised Jesus from the dead (Eph 1:19-20). It is the very same Spirit that hovered over the waters at creation. The Spirit that inspired and breathed the written Word of God. The Helper, the Counselor. The one who teaches us, convicts us, guides us, prompts us, empowers us, and gives us life! The mark of the new covenant is a new heart and a Spirit-filled life. (Jeremiah 31:31-34, Rom 2:28-29). As Spirit-filled, new-covenant people we are called to be fruitful and multiply, to be life-givers (1 Cor 15:45-49).

So maybe you feel impotent and powerless to bring forth change.
You've waited and waited and...nothing.
You've tried and tried before...and given up.
Go back to His promise. Identify yourself with that. Call yourself "Abraham."

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Ben! In all my blogging I have never tackled circumcision. Thanks for being the first in the pool.

    I am reminded of the quote "Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results." When we come to Christ initially we come with a sense of powerlessness, of weakness, of brokenness. We know we are a mess. But somehow we begin to think that we actually have power to change and so we live very frustrated always trying the same old things and never seeing any real change. What you're saying is putting the emphasis in the right place. Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." We all start there on our journey with God realizing our spiritual poverty and lack and that we bring nothing to the table but our willingness to receive the "good news". But this isn't simply the starting point it is the way we must live to truly experience the life of God and the wonderful fruit it will bear in our lives.
