Thursday, March 8, 2012


Mistakes are unavoidable. But what can often become more damaging than a mistake is our response to and actions after making a mistake. What do you do when you really blow it?

My experience has usually been one of four responses:
a. Justify myself. (It's not my fault...This is just the way I was raised...You can't help it, etc.)
b. Blame someone or something else.
c. Beat myself up over it and run from God.
d. Take responsibility, repent, and make restitution.

Anytime we make a mistake there will always be two voices whispering in our souls. The first is the voice of condemnation and it comes from Satan himself. He is the accuser (Revelations 12:10) and loves to throw our mistakes in our face. Condemnation is typically accusatory in nature, vague, and attempts to shame us away from the Lord.

Conviction is very different. Conviction is the language of the Holy Spirit and is incredibly needed. Without the voice of the Holy Spirit we don't even know when we've drifted from the Lord or realize how destructive our actions have been. Conviction is life-giving, specific, and draws us toward God (Romans 8:1-17). It will always be healing and redemptive, never aloof.

Which voice have you been listening to lately?
Don't live another minute in condemnation. Respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Access the finished work of the cross Jesus accomplished on your behalf and move on!

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